New Year – New You!
Date Posted:10 December 2012

Did you make a new years resolution? Is it an important goal for you? Would you really like to be able to follow through?
The latest research in how we form and maintain habits show that it is easier to form a new habit than to try and change an old one. So this year focus on a behavior you would like to adopt rather than trying to change old ones.
Contrary to what was previously believed it only takes 21 days to create a new habit. Once your new habit has been carried out for 21 days then the brain establishes it as a habit and the going gets very much easier. What new behavior would you like to make a habit for the next 21 days? Here are some tips to help you create a New You now that the new year is here.
1. Break it into baby steps.
If your dream is to get into shape, break it into small steps, like scheduling thirty minutes a day to exercise. Set a time in your daily schedule to go for a 30 minute walk and ask family or friends to join you. Exercising with a friend can be an easy way to establish a routine. When you are ready sign up for a dance class, aerobics or yoga to help you stay true to your desire, as once you pay the fee, you’ll feel motivated to show up!
Helpful Tip: Take Be Trim tea to help kick start your metabolism and reduce sugar cravings. For more support add the Be Trim tablets to your regimen. If you want to build lean muscle then take Premium Amla Berry to support lean muscle development with a bonus of increased mental and physical energy.
2. Make your resolutions concrete and action-oriented.
Be specific - rather than resolving to eat a better diet, plan to eat 2 servings of fresh fruits and 5 of vegetables each day. Feel more energetic from eating right today and that success will motivate you to do it all over again tomorrow.
Tell someone about your goal as it helps make it concrete and you more accountable. Invite your friend/mother/boss to do what you are going to do. This way, you not only ensure that you are motivated, but also inspire others to live more healthfully too.
Helpful Tip: One easy thing to do to support optimal nutrition is to take Digest Tone 1-2 tablets prior the evening meal. See why>>
3. Be realistic
It's quite natural for there to be ups and downs when adopting a new behavior, so be easy with yourself - It's okay to slip up. What have you done in the past when adopting a new behavior that you could do to help you get straight back on the horse again? Having strategies in place for the inevitable slip up is important when planning to succeed.
Helpful Tip: Worry Free is a great herbal that strengthens mental energy and thereby removes the need to worry .
4. Try the one-day-at-a-time plan.
One easy step at a time…If your goal is to feel more rested, choose one night a week to skip TV, engage in relaxing activities like taking a warm bath or listening to music, and get to bed early, by 9:30 pm. Drink a glass of warm milk with cardamom at 9:00 pm to relax your mind and prepare for an early sleep or have a cup of Slumber Time Tea.
- If falling asleep is an issue for you take 2 tablets of Blissful Sleep with 2 tablets of Stress Relief.
- If waking in the night is an issue then take 2 tablets of Deep Rest at bedtime with 2 tablets of Emotional Balance.
Helpful Tip: You’ll make better choices when you wake up rested. And after you establish the habit of one night a week, you can add on another night, and then another.
5. Make it fun!
Whatever your goal is… make it fun.
Find an exercise that is appealing to you, and foods that are healthy but tasty too. Join forces with a friend to cook a new recipe in the new year. Take a trip to your local health food store and select fresh, new-to-you ingredients to make a vitamin-filled but delicious meal. Then reward yourself with great food shared with great friends.
Helpful Tip: If a low mood state tends to get in the way of motivation then the Blissful Joy will be very helpful for you.
May this year bring all you wish. We are here to help you and suggest you use our Ask the Expert feature for specific herbals and recommendations to suit your specific goal. We are here to help you achieve your best year yet!
The Get Balance Team