Why Ayurveda

Through the prevention-oriented knowledge of health care provided by Maharishi Ayurveda, every individual now has the opportunity to achieve a long life in health and happiness.
It took a modern day rishi to fully enliven the ancient wisdom of balance contained within the knowledge of Ayurveda. Working with eminent Ayurvedic physicians from India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi restored the full practical value and range of application of this timeless science of health.
Health and wellbeing for you and your community
The ancient physicians of Ayurveda understood how to access and stimulate the powerful intelligence within each of your cells to maintain health or to help restore health. Furthermore they understood how to match the intelligence within herbs and foods to support and ignite your body's own healing power.
The magic of synergy
Ayurveda calls it Sanyog - the science of combining to create results far greater than the benefits of each herb in isolation.
Natural, Preventative Healthcare
Herbs contain the most concentrated form of nature's intelligence. Our goal is to preserve this natural intelligence through the harvesting and manufacturing processes so that the finished herbal preparations can work effectively at the deepest levels of your physiology.
Use the power of whole herbs vs active ingredients
The herbs in Maharishi Ayurveda products are prepared in the traditional Ayurvedic way, using the whole herb instead of the active ingredient. This improves assimilation, creates holistic balance and prevents negative side effects.
Traditional Harvesting
We harvest our own herbs. Herbs naturally vary in potency with seasons, cycles of the moon and even by the time of day. Following traditional harvesting and processing techniques ensures natural standardization of potency.
Where possible without threatening the natural ecological balance, our herbs are gathered in the wild, because wild-crafted herbs can be as much as 100 times more potent than their cultivated counterparts. Experts in plant identification examine each batch of harvested herbs. It takes great attention and expertise to correctly identify herbs.
All Natural
Our formulations are all-natural—they contain no artificial colors of flavors. Natural binders collected from the wild, such as gum arabic, are the binders used in some formulas. All capsules are vegetarian, and the coatings on tablets are vegetable glycerin. No animal products are used in the formulas or during processing.
Certified Organic
Our numerous herbal ingredients are steadily shifting to organic production and many products are already 100% Certified Organic