More Energy = More Success
Date Posted:12 December 2012

In this day and age, there is a high expectation to be able to multi-task, regardless of whether you are male or female.
You may work a full-time role, and come home to another role as a parent, or even in a single role, you may be challenged to complete your daily multiple tasks. This can include being a supervisor in charge of others while managing your own client load, or even a stay-at-home mother looking after her children while ensuring the house is still in one piece.
But in order to stay in order, you must sustain the energy and vitality to keep on top of your game to remain a player.
It can be difficult to maintain adequate energy and vitality in the face of
- long workdays
- lack of sleep
- relationship challenges
- young children or sick relatives
- poor diet high in sugar, coffee and fatty foods
- and insufficient exercise
- energy drinks, coffee fixes, alcohol fixes etc may give a temporary exhilaration but are quickly followed by an even lower low!!!
So what's the secret?
Lifestyle changes bring about the most lasting results in a person's energy and vitality. Simple as it seems the answer lies in ensuring that your everyday self care choices keep your physical and mental resources topped up with a regular daily routine. Then energy and vitality is automatic, natural and effortless.
Daily Routine Pointers
1. Awaken with the sun and be active. Have a drink of lemon and honey (lukewarm water) to awaken your taste buds and provide energy for your morning walk, exercise, yoga or stretches. (10-40 minutes).
2. Take Amrit Kalash (MA5 and 7) to build your energy and provide effective antioxidant support.
3. Start the day with breakfast and be sure to schedule in time for lunch and an early evening meal between 6-7pm.
4. Take Digest Tone 2 tablets prior the evening meal to protect against the build up of impurities from poor digestion at this time of the day. If you have irregular elimination patterns also take 2 tablets of Digest Tone at bedtime. For more specific recommendations linked to your symptoms use our ask the expert service.
5. Schedule in relaxation and de-stress activities such as meditation into your day. Protect this time by creating a regular routine. The regular alternation of activity and then deep relaxation or rest that provides recovery, is the foundation for sustainable health and an enjoyable well balanced life.
6. Be in bed between 9.30 to10 pm and aim to wake naturally refreshed, clear and alert between 5-30-6.00am. If this seems unreal to you, then be reassured that this is doable and quite natural when you regularly sleep by 10pm. For sleep aid take Slumber time tea to help you settle for a great sleep. Blissful sleep tablets aid falling asleep and Deep Rest tablets are useful if you find yourself waking in the night.
7. Enjoy life and consciously build loving and supportive relationships that provide positive energy each day.
- Have something to look forward to each day when you wake.
- Do something that lights up your eyes or uses your skills each day.
- Make time to nourish your loving relationships and be nourished in return.
- Daily connect with a mentor or colleague who shares your interests and passions
- Every 90-120 minutes through the day take 3-5 minutes to recharge your resources.
Use these strategies to energise each day and see how over time your life becomes energised providing more energy so you can enjoy more success in all areas of your life.
The Get Balance Team.
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