Herbs for Vigour and Vitality

Date Posted:7 February 2013 

If you have wondered what you can do to support vigor and vitality then this week’s insight spotlights the best herbs and foods for both men and woman. The key to sexual well-being is maintaining a high level of vital energy. When this vital energy is maintained both desire and sexual capacity are experienced at a healthy level. You may wonder what causes this natural vitality to become weakened?

As this natural vitality is the result of high levels of ojas in the physiology, whatever weakens ojas can weaken your sexual well-being. Conversely whatever strengthens ojas also strengthens your sexual well-being.

So, what is ojas?

Ojas is the result of finest digestion of all you eat. From an Ayurvedic perspective, ‘food’ is anything you take in through your five senses. All experiences are considered food, to be digested into finest components with the waste being released and the ojas taken up to nourish and strength all tissues, especially the reproductive fluids and organs.

Vital herbs for sexual well-being

Vital Man is a particularly effective combination of traditional herbs known to promote sexual health and general well-being.

  • Shilajit - a herbo-mineral preparation contains at least 85 minerals in ionic form and has been used for centuries to help renew vitality.
  • Kapikacchu, Ashwhaganda, Shatavari - extensively used to help with male infertility, loss of libido, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and to improve sexual performance.
  • Gokhshura - Also used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat impotence, venereal diseases and sexual debility.
  • Country Mallow and supporting herbs aid in regenerating cells to combat day-to-day stress and recharge mind and body.

Vital Lady is a potent formula to help sustain your energy levels and promote sexual health and well-being

  • Specially targeted for the female nervous system
  • Revitalizes the seven levels of body tissue, supports cell regeneration
  • Balances hormones and emotions, boosts digestion, elimination and purification

To further enhance these benefits take Vital Lady in conjunction with Energy Plus. Take 1-2 tablets of each twice-daily 15-30mins before meals. In addition pamper yourself daily, or as often as you can with a full body self massage using calming Vata Massage Oil or soothing Pitta Massage Oil.

We also recommend taking Rejuvenation Plus and Stress Relief when you feel a boost is needed to keep your vital energy topped up, especially during times of stress or after a prolonged period of physical or mental exertion.

Vital Foods – tasty and effective

One effective way to recharge your vital energy is to eat a handful of cashew nuts, 1-2 Medjool dates or 3-4 dried dates along with a cup of warm milk sweetened with a little raw sugar according to taste. Applicable for both men and women.

The Get Balance Team

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