Weight Loss the Ayurveda Way
Date Posted:19 September 2012

Each of us are unique with our own tendencies, likes and dislikes. This uniqueness is reflected back to us each time we see our reflection. Even within this uniqueness we can see general trends that run in families and nations. These trends are understood in Ayurveda to be a reflection of the five building blocks of nature - earth, water, fire, air and space.
When one or more of these underlying elements becomes increased beyond a healthy level then an imbalance occurs. In the case of weight gain it is the water and earth elements that increase beyond a healthy level causing an increase of heaviness or weight.
- People who are strong in earth and water (Kapha types) have a strong physical build, can be curvy in shape with a tendency to easily gain weight and hold fluid.If a Kapha type leads a sedentary life, eats foods high in sugar, fat and salt such as cakes, breads, grains, cereals, sweet foods, fried foods etc, take their main meal at night when digestive enzymes are preparing for sleep, have a tendency for comfort eating with emotional pressure – then weight gain is inevitable, especially past 40 years of age.
- If you are normally thin or of a medium build and have gained weight you are experiencing a Kapha imbalance. Your nature is being masked by your current imbalance of Kapha dosha. In this case it is important to follow the Kapha reducing recommendations below fined-tuned to take into consideration tendencies such as constipation, anxiety, insomnia, loose bowel, indigestion or fits of anger.
- Reducing weight (effective fat burning) requires a ‘whole person approach’ that goes beyond the calories eaten or how much one exercises, to also include a regular lifestyle that provides a healthy work life balance, adequate sleep, loving relationships, reduction of stress and effective stress strategies and a life that gives one a sense of meaning and purpose.It must also consider how effectively your liver, kidney and bowel are processing waste along with the fat-burning effects when stress , reproductive and metabolic hormones become impaired. This leads to the frustrating effect where one is doing all the right things and yet weight is not reducing or may even be increasing!
Step 1: Establish a good connection with your body
- Drink sips of Kapha Tea or Be Trim Tea every 30 minutes; aim to drink 1.5 litres for women and 2.5 litres for men per day.
- Eat only when hungry. Eat to two thirds of your capacity – equivalent to 1 hand full of protein foods, 1 hand full of carbohydrates and 2 hands full of non starchy vegtetables. Aim for a variety of coloured vegetables at each meal and see the Kapha Pacifying Food List for best choices.
- Sit to eat and eat with full attention – without reading, computer or television.
- Avoid eating when feeling emotionally stressed. Ask yourself what am I really hungry for? Acknowledge your answer to yourself, speak with a friend, write in a diary about what you really need, go for a walk etc. If you are really craving something sweet then take 1 tsp of honey followed with sips of lukewarm water.
- Pamper yourself with a dry body brush or silk glove massage first thing in the morning prior your shower. Or if you prefer nourish your skin with a self massage using Kapha Massage Oil.
Step 2: Support your metabolism, liver and kidneys
- Normal Appetite
- Upon rising drink a luke warm drink of water with the juice of ½ lemon or lime and 1 tsp of honey. Note it is important that the water be just luke warm or the honey will be overheated causing impurities.
- Take Liver Care 1 tablet 30 minutes prior breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Take Be Trim 1 supports balanced appetite and fat metabolism for those who gain weight easily with a normal appetite.If you experience tiredness or are low in energy also take Rejuvenation Plus 1 tablet prior breakfast and evening meals. This can be taken at the same time as taking Liver Care.Women: If you experience tiredness or are low in energy and have menstrual difficulties or PMS instead of Rejuvenation Plus take Rejuvenation for Ladies one tablet prior meals 3 times a day.If you have a tendency for constipation then take Digest Tone 4 tablets prior bedtime.If you lack appetitie and food sits heavily in your stomach take Agni Balance ¼-1/3 tsp at the beginning of a meal or snack to support full digestion.
- Sharp Appetite
- Upon rising drink the juice of ½ a lemon or lime in a cup of warm to hot water.
- Take Liver Care 1 tablet 30 minutes prior breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Take Be Trim 2 as per bottle. Supports balanced appetite, fat metabolism & stomach acidity for those with sharp appetites.If you experience tiredness or are low in energy also take Rejuvenation Plus 1 tablet prior breakfast and evening meals. This can be taken at the same time as taking Liver Care.Women: If you experience tiredness or are low in energy and have menstrual difficulties or PMS instead of Rejuvenation Plus take Rejuvenation for Ladies 1 tablet prior meals 3 times a day.
Step 3: Exercise, exercise, exercise + Sleep
- Do yourself a favour….Set your alarm for sunrise or before and when your alarm goes off say to yourself “feet on the floor, feet on the floor, feet on the floor” until your feet are on the floor. Then start your day with the warm drink recommended for you above. Next put on your shoes and suitable clothing and have a walk, jog, run or whatever you enjoy! Just get moving…
- Having the rising sun on your face first thing wakes up the mind and body helping to energise you for the whole day. Exercise first thing has been shown to increase mental and physical energy for the following 12 hours. So that means your metabolism kicks in early in the day for greater fat burning and you will feel good too!
- Two to four times a week do some body resistance or weight training to tone or build muscle as higher muscle percentage increases your resting metabolic rate; which means you burn more calories or fat throughout the whole day… yes! Your body working for you.
- Avoid sleeping during the day.
- Sleep 7 to 9 hours a night. Over sleeping or inadequate has been shown to increase weight.
The most important info…
Remember it is what you do every day that counts and not what you do occasionally. If you fall off the horse it’s okay, it happens. Get straight back up again. Start anew and be your own best friend.
People who achieve the weight reduction they want often say that keeping a daily journal or diary was key to their success. Becoming self aware of why we eat especially when we don’t need to is key.
Tip: Ask yourself what food means to you? Food is …. What was your answer?
For example: If food means comfort then when feeling mentally or emotionally uncomfortable you are likely to turn to food for comfort even if you have just eaten. In this situation eating for comfort is a key behavior that needs to be addressed. How? By identifying other more healthy ways to respond when the feeling of discomfort arises. Being aware of when the feeling kicks in and having other more healthy ways of responding will help you reduce weight more easily.
- Each day write in your diary one or more things that you feel gratitude for each day.
- Reduce stress by breathing deeply and practicing meditation – Transcendental Meditation is great!
The Get Balance Team