Warm Lunches...Easily
Date Posted:8 April 2014

Save money, keep warm and healthy with these one pot or themos flask meals.
Bringing warm lunches to eat at work cuts down on your overall food bill and also means less time spent outside when the weather is wet and chilly.
Thermos flask meals are an ideal solution for those wanting to have a hot meal at lunch. It can be prepared in the early morning and will cook itself in the thermos in time for lunch. Find a good stainless steel food flask (which has a wider neck than a normal drink flask) and will not break if dropped. Give these tasty treats a go…
Tip: for optimal nutrition
If your appetite is variable or low with bloating or gas take Digest Plus after meals. If you experience indigestion, acidity or reflux take Aci Balance after meals.
If you have more than a light soup for the evening meal then you definitely need to take 2 tablets of Digest Tone prior dinner to reduce ama (impurities). Evening meals tend to be less well digested than breakfast and lunch and can be the cause of sinus congestion and often behind unexplained aches and pains.
Now let’s enjoy these tasty recipies. There is both a vegetarian option and a non-vegetarian. Bon appetite!
Ingredients - serves 1
¼ cup yellow mung dahl (wash well) or lentils
¼ cup basmati rice (wash well) or barley
1½ cups fresh vegetables cut to a size that will fit
into the thermos
2tsp of vata, pitta or kapha seasonal spice mixture according to season (see above)
2 tsp of ghee (clarified butter) or safflower oil
2 cups water.
In a pot, gently fry seasonal spices in about 1-2 tsp ghee or oil for a few seconds, add mung dahl, rice and chopped vegetables. Cover well with the water, and boil for two minutes only. Without wasting time pour the mixture into a thermos food flask. Screw on the lid and leave the thermos closed for approximately four hours. The meal will cook in its own heat while you go about your business and will be ready to eat four hours later.
- If you are able to go home for lunch then put your casserole together in the morning before you go to work, turn it on a low oven heat, approx 100 degrees celcius and it will cook slowly a bit like a crock-pot does and be ready for you to eat at lunch time.
- Or if you have an oven at work, or bench top oven then just assemble it at home and pop it in the oven when you get to work.
- To have a Thermos meal: Simmer for 5 minutes only. Then put quickly into a warmed up thermos flask (warm with some hot water then tip out). It will continue cooking in the flask slowly and by lunch time will be ready to eat at work.
Ingredients: Serves 2
120g boneless chicken breast, diced
1/3 C dried adzuki beans, soaked in water overnight
2/3 of a large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon sesame oil or rice bran oil
2 cm chunk of fresh ginger, sliced fine or grated
2 cups water
600g pumpkin cut in bite-sized pieces
2 tablespoons miso
1 spring onion, sliced fine
2/3 Cup hot cooked wild or basmati rice
Drain and rinse beans. Put all the ingredients into a thermos flask, casserole dish or slow cooker and cook for five hours at 100 degrees celcius in an oven or four hours on the high setting on a slow cooker. Serve garnished with spring onions and the rice on the side.
If you have a tasty recipe you would like to share we would love to try it too!
Wishing you the bliss of balance
Linda Sinden
Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner
Get Balance Team