Tips to Deal with Stress & Lack of Sleep in the Wake of the Christchurch Quake
Date Posted:1 March 2011

In New Zealand the last week has been tough - the quake in Christchurch has been felt both around the country, and worldwide. With such an impact, the reverberations reach further & deeper than just those in the immediate vincinity. We feel for those directly affected, we worry on their behalf, and it takes it's toll on our emotions and peace of mind. This stress weighs heavy, and in many will be affecting sleep - without this we can be left exhausted and unsure how to break the cycle of fatigue, and lift our mood in this turbulent chapter of our New Zealand's history.
Having felt this way myself, with family & friends in Christchurch, I want to share what has helped me, and also from Maharishi Ayurveda Products side, extend a 20% discount across all herbal remedies that will nourish the mind & body to protect against stress and regain healthy sleep.
To regain my sleep, I took "Stress Relief (MA686)" & "Deep Rest (MA1684)" - 4 tablets of each, 30 mins prior to bed, and then again when/if I woke. This calming, soothing & nourishing combo settled both my mind & body, with a side-effect-free, all-natural sedative effect. Our recent article on sleep might also help - click here to view
Stress relief can also be taken during the day, and in times like these, up to double dose is fine - I have some on hand, and if I'm feeling particularly strung out or unsettled, I take 4 tablets with water for an instant calming effect. Unlike modern medicine, all our herbals are non-addictive & side-effect free, and I'm very greatful for the additional support to my nervous system during this time. These are just a couple of the options, for the full sleep/stress herbal range go here: or read our article on stress by clicking here
Transcendental Meditation is another powerful way to remove stress and stay balanced - I've been practicing this technique since I was 4 years old, and couldn't think of anything simpler and more rewarding in my life. Not only that I have seen firsthand the impact it can have on survivors of an earthquake - in the early 90's after terrible earthquakes ravaged Armenia, the Government invited Teachers of Transcendental Meditation to come and teach the population to meditate, to deal with the after effects. My parents are both teachers of TM, and not wanting to leave us behind, our whole family lived in Armenia for almost a year while teaching 1000's of Armenian's to look within for peace. The effects on these peoples lives was remarkable. Learn more about it here:
I wish each and everyone of you peace, great sleep, happiness & good health.
-- Matalin Hatchard Sales & Marketing Manager e. freecall (NZ): 0508 225 262 m. +64 210 2700 365 p. +64 9 524 5883 P.S. if you're not in New Zealand I'm happy to call you back no matter where you are.