Premenstrual Syndrome - there is help
Date Posted:15 August 2012

When menstruation is on the horizon (5-11 days before it starts) if life gets a little or a lot harder, then PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) could be the cause. In this week’s insight we take a look at PMS symptoms and what can be done to reduce or eliminate them.
The part of the body that is primarily responsible for a healthy menstrual flow is the area below the navel (Apana). It governs the downward expulsion of the menstrual flow, as well as that of other wastes. Providing a natural balance to the downward flow of Apana is Prana, which flows upwards from the navel activating the nervous system. Maintaining a happy balance between these two areas is the basis of a healthy menstruation and a healthy body and mind generally.
Your PMS Action Plan
To support menstrual ease first identify what type of imbalance is causing your symptoms. Then view your 3 Step Action Plan for Menstrual Ease below.
PMS arises when impurities accumulate in the physiology due to improper diet, irregular lifestyle and incomplete elimination of impurities during the previous menstrual cycle. This backlog of waste can cause a variety of symptoms according to the metabolic principle (dosha) that is imbalanced:
- Vata imbalance
Premenstrual symptoms can include: nervous tension, mood swings, anxiety or depression, insomnia, forgetfulness, confusion and constipation.Menstrual symptoms can include: pain/cramps/backache during menstruation that interfere with daily activity, dark blood flow with clotting, extended length of flow with light amount of flow, irregularity of periods of flow and endometriosis.
3 Steps to Menstrual Ease→
- Pitta imbalance
Premenstrual symptoms can include: irritability, frustration or anger, increased appetite, headaches (especially migraines), excessive body heat or sweats, loose bowel or increased bowel movements (2-3+ per day), skin rashes or red inflamed acne.Menstrual symptoms can include: excessive bleeding, increased frequency of periods and a bright red flow, uterine fibroids with excessive bleeding.
3 Steps to Menstrual Ease→
- Kapha imbalance
Premenstrual symptoms can include: weight gain, fluid retention, breast enlargement, abdominal bloating and oily skin with acne.Menstrual symptoms can include: bloating or fluid retention; stiffness in back, joints etc; and pale, mucousy menstrual flow.
3 Steps to Menstrual Ease→
Your Action Plan
Choose one of the 3 action plans below to reduce or eliminate your current symptoms of PMS.
VATA – 3 Steps to Menstrual Ease
1. Dietary & Herbals – Vata Pacifying Diet
- Take Gyneco Support and Energy Plus to support cleansing and nourishment of the female reproductive system. Energy Plus is a rejuvenative that enhances effectiveness when taken along with Gyneco Support.
- Be sure to eat at regular intervals favouring warm foods and drinks.
- Drink a quarter to a half cup of Vata Tea or Smooth Cycle Tea every 30-60 minutes.
- Use Vata seasonal spice mixture (Vata Churna) on your lunch and evening meals.
- Drink 2 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Juice (pure juice with no additives) after meals twice daily (not during days of flow or within 2 days of the end of the menstrual flow).
2. Soothe your nervous system
- Quality sleep for a minimum of 7.5 hours per night from 10pm is essential for you. If necessary take a herbal to support sleep such as Peace at Night and use Nidra Aroma Oil on your pillow or in an aroma diffuser nearby. Massaging the feet for 5 minutes prior bed with Vata Massage Oil also aids restful sleep.
- Oil your skin daily prior shower or bath with Vata Massage Oil.
- Reduce stress and build your resilience by practicing Transcendental Meditation.
3. De-tox seasonally by following the de-tox diet. Look out for our Insight coming in early September to see how.
PITTA – 3 Steps to Menstrual Ease
1. Dietary & Herbals – Pitta Pacifying Diet
- Be sure to eat when hungry and avoid delaying or skipping meals when hungry.
- Take Gyneco Support and Energy Plus to support cleansing and nourishment of the reproductive system. Energy Plus is a rejuvenative that enhances effectiveness when taken with Gyneco Support.
- Favour sweet fruits and green vegetables. Include ghee (clarified butter) and raisins in your daily diet. Avoid heating foods and drinks such as alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cheese, yogurt and red meat.
- Drink a quarter to a half cup of Pitta Tea every 60 minutes and more if thirsty.
- Use Pitta seasonal spice mixture (Pitta Churna) on your lunch and evening meals.
- Drink 2 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Juice (pure juice with no additives) after meals twice daily. (Not during days of flow or within 2 days of the end of the menstrual flow).
2. Keep Cool - Physically and mentally ...
- Take Aci-Balance after meals - helps to balance stomach acidity and enhance digestion.
- Splash cool water on the eyes and genitalia twice daily.
- Apply coconut oil to the head and feet at bedtime for restful sleep and headache prevention.
- Sniff 1-2 drops of Ghee up each nostril for one week prior menstruation.
- Avoid long hot showers or baths during the days of menstrual flow (increases blood flow) and take a brief shower or sponge bath instead.
- Reduce mental pressure by practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique daily.
- Be sure to switch off the computer or to stop mental work by 7-8pm and relax.
3. De-tox seasonally by following the de-tox diet. Look out for our Insight coming early September to see how.
KAPHA – 3 Steps to Menstrual Ease
1. Dietary & Herbals – Kapha Pacifying Diet
- Take Rejuvenation for Ladies and Digest Tone 1 tablet of each prior breakfast, lunch and dinner. Together these products support emotional & hormonal balance, help reduce impurities, stimulate the metabolism and promote health & vitality.
- Eat only when hungry and avoid overeating, especially at night. A primarily vegetarian diet is best for you.
- Avoid salt, cheese, yogurt, chocolate, refined sugar and flours for 7-10 days before and during the menstrual flow.
- Include Kapha seasonal spice mixture (Kapha Churna) and Kapha Tea in your daily diet.
- Drink sips of Kapha Tea every 30-60 minutes.
2. Be Active Daily and avoid day time sleep
- It is especially important for you to get daily exercise. A brisk walk for 30 minutes is the minimum exercise required for you.
- Avoid day sleep. Do not sleep during the day unless you are ill and avoid sleeping within two hours after a meal. If you must rest or sleep during the day, rest in a propped up position.
3. Complete the following Home Treatment for seven days before your period begins.
- First thing upon waking take a drink of lemon or lime juice in luke-warm water with 1tsp of honey (optional add a pinch of Turmeric and Ginger powder.) Or drink a cup of Kapha tea.
- Apply Kapha Massage Oil over the body with a brisk invigorating stroke.
- After one hour follow with a hot bath or shower (bath is better) for 10 minutes or more.
- While sitting in the bath rub your stomach in a clockwise motion
- De-tox seasonally – Look for our Insight coming early September to see how.
The Get Balance Team