Natural Skin Remedies Are the Key to Younger-Looking Skin
Date Posted:29 June 2011

Achieving younger-looking skin that exudes a wonderful healthy glow is a matter of caring for it from the inside as well as on the outside. The four key elements of skin care, according to Maharishi Ayurveda, are nourishment, rehydration, detoxification and stress removal. By looking at natural skin remedies for each of these elements, you can begin to transform your skin for the better.
The best way to nourish your skin is to follow a skin-friendly diet. This includes lots of sweet juicy fruits, multiple grains, a wide variety of cooked vegetables and light, easy-to-digest proteins. The juicy fruits boost nutrient fluid (rasa dhatu) and encourage suppleness.
An ideal, skin-nourishing way to start your day is with a breakfast of stewed apple or pear. The grains, such as quinoa, couscous, millet, barley, amaranth, rye and wheat provide a variety of minerals. Vegetables should include green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, to deliver fibre, iron and calcium to the skin. Good proteins for the skin are milk, lassi and panir. Make your own spice mixture with 3 parts turmeric, 6 parts coriander, 6 parts fennel, 1 part fenugreek and 1 part black pepper. Sautee the spices in ghee, then add them to steamed vegetables for skin-boosting flavour. Turmeric is known as the "wonder spice" for good reason; as well as a long list of other health benefits, it purifies and detoxifies the skin. Turmeric, cumin, fenugreek and black pepper purify the blood and fat tissue.
As well as making these dietary modifications, Ayurvedic natural skin remedies to boost the skin include Youthful Skin tablets and ReGen Vitality tablets.
For internal rehydration, water is the key. Drink 8 glasses of water per day and make sure your diet is rich in the right types of fat. These include ghee and olive oil. Again, add skin-boosting spices to your fats to assist with digestion and absorption. When it comes to external rehydration, use Youthful Skin Massage Oil to gently massage the skin every day. This oil is rich in the herbs Shankapushpi, Gotu Kola, and Ashwagandha, which have powerful anti-aging effects and provide that desirable glow to the skin. The oil absorbs deep into the skin, without leaving any oily residue. Use the oil on your hands and anywhere else you want younger-looking skin. For the face, use Youthful Skin Oil and Youthful Skin Cream to support the skin's layers, balance moisture and rehydrate thoroughly.
It is possible to make natural skin treatments at home without spending a huge amount of money. Create your own Royal Milk Bath fit for a queen by mixing a large amount of 70% rolled oats, 10% Indian Sarsaparilla, 10% Marshmallow Root and 10% rose petals. Place two tablespoons of the mixture in the centre of a cheesecloth square and tie the ends together with string. Pour a cup of warm milk and dip the cloth into it, then pat it over your entire body. This intensive moisturising treatment was once recommended by royal physicians for the queens of India, who wanted to improve the appearance and texture of their skin. If you make enough of the mixture to last you for a couple of months, you can keep it in an airtight container and use it as often as you need to.
Any detoxification process should start with the colon. Constipation is a common problem and this often leads to dry, dull skin. Taking simple steps every day will help relieve this problem, and your skin will improve significantly as a result. Go for a walk every day, drink lots of water throughout the day and add more fibrous foods to your diet. Herbal Cleanse from Maharishi Ayurveda can help to regularise bowel movements if you need more help. Taking Elim-Tox-O with Genitrac for 45 days whenever the seasons are changing (for example, in the weeks when summer turns into fall, and spring turns into summer) can also help to rid the body of impurities.
Stress Removal
Stress often shows in the face, making a person look tired, drawn and older than their years. Stress can often lead to sleep problems, which can then lead to more stress, so it is crucial to take care of both issues to prevent the harmful cycle continuing. The Transcendental Meditation programme can provide relief from mental and emotional stress if carried out on a daily basis. Worry Free tablets and Tea can help eliminate mental stress, while Blissful Joy deals with emotional stress. Deep Rest will help provide the quality of sleep you need for beautiful, well-rested, stress-free skin.
Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains powerful nutrients to deal with all four elements necessary for youthful, healthy, glowing skin from the inside. Youthful Skin Cream does the same, but on the outside. By adding these Ayurvedic formulas to your everyday skin care routine, you can be sure that you are on the right path towards a younger appearance. A personal consultation with a qualified Ayurvedic specialist can help to address additional health issues that may be contributing to your particular skin problems. Don't forget about your diet and exercise, and remember that achieving younger-looking skin is a two-step process. Tackle it from the inside as well as the outside and make long-term changes to your lifestyle for a permanent healthy glow and amazing lustre.