My Multi-Mineral Needs

Date Posted:25 February 2013 

It may surprise you to know that more people are deficient in minerals than vitamins. When the diet, digestion or assimilation is insufficient, minerals are the more important supplement to take. About minerals

  • The human physiology is unable to manufacture minerals like it manufactures certain vitamins.  Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, muscle, blood, and nerves. They are vital to our overall mental and physical well being
  • Iron, magnesium and other minerals can only be found in the soil. Plants absorb them directly from the soil and we acquire them through the various steps of the food chain
  • In order to prevent mineral deficiencies such as softening of the bones (osteoporosis) or iron anaemia, the body needs to maintain the correct balance of minerals
  • Since minerals are synergistically related, no single mineral can function without the others
  • Ayurveda combines minerals with herbs, which assist the assimilation and delivery of the minerals. The ancient sages had deep knowledge of minerals and their biological needs. They used iron, calcium, zinc and copper and recognized their clinical deficiencies as well.

Do I need to supplement now?

Sometimes achieving a balanced diet with optimal digestion and metabolism of nutrients can be a challenge. Do you want to boost your energy, clarity and absorption of nutrients?

  • Do you eat leftovers, processed foods or foods that contain chemical additives or artificial preservatives?
  • Are you under a lot of stress?
  • Could toxins be clogging the channels of your body?
  • Do you feel your overall assimilation of nutrients might be low?

If you have answered yes to one or more of these options the following herbals and recommendations will be helpful for you:

  • Herbal Absorb Multi-Mineral is a combination of calcium, iron, zinc, mica and other minerals. Each mineral in the formula is paired with a herbal partner for maximum absorption. This supplement improves overall energy and vitality, and nourishes all the seven types of body tissue (plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive tissue. Take 1-2 tablets with warm water 2-3 times daily after meals
  • Digest Tone is antioxidant rich, is a powerful digestive tonic and deep tissue cleanser which aids the liver, skin, eyes and more. Take 1 tablet before meals to support assimilation of nutrients.
  • Energy Plus makes food more wholesome and supports the potency of other preparations that are taken along with it.
    Take 1 tablet twice a day 15-30mins before breakfast and dinner. Take with warm milk and small amount of ghee (clarified butter), or with warm water.

Ensuring optimal absorption of nutrients is made easy when taking the above supplements along with the following recommendations:

  • Favour a wholesome diet that you enjoy and eat at regular intervals through the day. For optimal nourishment aim to take larger quantities of food at midday when digestion is at its peak with a smaller evening meal by 7 pm. Fresh seasonal food provided by a happy cook and eaten with full attention will give the best results


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