Late nights - how to cope
Date Posted:30 November 2012

Ho, ho, ho - the festive season has arrived and the joy of party time is here!
At such times it is natural to find a 10pm bedtime may go out the window as the festivity with loved ones and friends takes prominence. And that's okay as it's not what we do occasionally that matters, but what we do most of the time. So what can we do when we have a late night and want to maintain an overall balance at the same time?
Late Night Recovery
The natural enjoyment of party time has been with us for as long as we know and who can argue with that. To help you enjoy this season apply the following technique when you need to.
- No matter what time you go to bed get up at your usual time. (It's okay... you will get to sleep a little later on)
- Complete your normal routine - ideally with a walk and light breakfast at about the usual time. If your morning routine also includes other activities such as oil massage do this too.
- Sometime in the day - and it may be an hour or so after breakfast or in the mid afternoon - go back to bed and sleep for half the time you have missed. That means, if you got to bed at 1am instead of 10 pm and you normally wake at 6 am, then you have missed 3 hours sleep. To balance your body rhythms you will need to sleep 1.5 hours to catch up and restore balance. Choose the time that will fit in with what you have planned for the day and see how much better you will feel. Be aware that sleeping longer than half the time you missed will leave you feeling sluggish and not so great, so best to only sleep for half the time you missed the night before.
- Go to bed at the usual time the next night, or if you feel sleepy then go to bed earlier when you feel tired.
- Herbals to help
- To help overcome the effects of a late night on your nervous system and body rhythms take Stress Relief 1 tablet prior breakfast, 1 tablet prior evening meal and two tablets prior bedtime the next night.
- To protect against the build up of impurities that comes when the body is out of step, take Digest Tone 2 tablets prior evening meal.
- If you find that late nights cause irregularity with your bowel take 2 tablets of Digest Tone at bedtime also. article >>
Lastly, if you really want to treat yourself and feel good, then give yourself a full body oil massage using Vata Massage Oil. It is sooo relaxing and the body feels much better once the oil is on and followed with a warm bath or shower.
Try it and see... this routine really works. Let us know how it goes for you.
We wish you happy times and the enjoyment of loved ones and friends at this special time of the year.
The Get Balance Team