Keep the Fires Burning
Date Posted:24 July 2012

When its cold outside then inside can get colder too. Just as we warm up our houses to provide a comfortable temperature, so too Winter is a time when our internal fire or digestive fire (called Agni) likes to be supported. Giving support at the right time makes life easier and helps to protect against a build up of toxins that results in strong allergies or susceptibility for colds and flues as Spring arrives. Be savvy and keep your fires burning bright!
Review below to see what type of support would be helpful for you now:
Does Kapha Dosha need support?
If you often feel complacent or dull, tend towards overweight, slow digestion, experience sinus or mucous congestion, fluid retention, bloating or allergic reactions then your body is calling out for your attention - it needs help as your digestive fire is too cold and Kapha Dosha is imbalanced. Kapha by nature is cold so when it is cold outside taking in some warmth from herbals, spices and warm drinks is recommended. To warm your Kapha up:
- Use Kapha Churna in your meals
- Sip Kapha Tea every 30-60 minutes during the day - aim for 2L per day for women and 3L for men.
- Take Agni Balance (MA 99) 1/3 tsp in hot water after meals and Digest Tone (MA505) 1 tablet prior breakfast and lunch and 2 prior evening meals.
- You may need to add a third herb specific to your dominant symptoms such as Be Trim 1 or Be Trim 2 to assist weight loss, or Congest Assist.
- Eat lightly in the evenings and be physically active most days.
Does Pitta Dosha need support?
If you are overly intense, frustrated or angry with a ravenous appetite or thirst, excess stomach acid, hot flushes, loose bowel motions, skin rashes, or waking in the early morning between 12-3am and find it difficult to get back to sleep - then your body is calling for attention - Pitta Dosha is imbalanced. When it is cold outside sometimes the body can over-compensate and the fire can become too strong causing the body and mind to overheat. To help balance your internal heat:
- Use Pitta Churna in your meals
- Sip Pitta Tea every 30-60 minutes during the day - aim for 2L per day for women and 3L for men.
- Take Aci Balance (MA320) 1 tablet after meals 3 x day and Emotional Balance (MA1123) 2 tablets 3 x day prior food.
- Be sure to eat when hungry and to have regular meal times. Reduce or avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeinated energy drinks, alcohol, chillies, red meats and fried foods.
- Avoid overworking and intense mental activity or computer work in the evenings. Start winding down by 8pm.
Does Vata Dosha need support?
If you experience dry, rough or thin skin, or early wrinkling, constipation, difficulty going to sleep, joint stiffness or pain, if you can be changeable and indecisive with a changeable appetite and tendency to worry with an active mind - then your body is warning you that Vata dosha is out of balance and needs attention. Vata by nature is cold so when it is cold outside taking in some warmth from herbals, spices and warm drinks is recommended. To warm your Vata up:
- Use Vata Churna in your meals
- Sip Vata Tea every 30-60 minutes during the day - aim for 2L per day for women and 3L for men.
- Take Digest Plus (MA154) 1 tablet after meals 3 x day and Stress Relief (MA686) 1 tablet prior food morning and evening and 2 at bedtime.
- Eat three meals a day and snacks if hungry. Reduce or avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeinated energy drinks and chillies as they can be too stimulating for your nervous system.
- Be in bed early (by 9.30-9.45) and calm your nervous system with Vata pacifying diet and an Oil massage prior your morning shower or bath.
As the saying goes prevention is better than cure!