Herbal Allergy Remedies for Natural Allergy Relief
Date Posted:19 August 2011

Allergic disease is taking on epidemic proportions across the developed world. It is estimated that 20% of Australians have at least one allergy, one of the highest rates among developed countries. One in three of the UK population will experience an allergy at some stage in their lives, and the figures are similar in the United States.
Spring-time Allergies
Seasonal allergies, such as those resulting from grass, weed, tree pollen or mould, are a common cause of allergy symptoms. If you are one of the millions who experience itchy eyes, sneezing, a blocked nose and wheezing, you are no doubt desperate to find natural allergy relief. It is not easy to avoid the allergens themselves, as these airborne particles are all around us. It is still not clear why some people are affected by allergens while others are not. One theory is that developed countries have such a high rate of allergic disease because the obsession with hygiene (i.e., clean surroundings, immunisations and antibiotics) makes people more susceptible to allergic reactions. A poor diet, exposure to chemical irritants, and household carpets may be other factors.
Doctors often prescribe allergy shots and antihistamines to alleviate the symptoms of allergies, but these can cause unpleasant, potentially harmful side effects. This approach focuses on appeasing the symptoms, but this does nothing to tackle the problem at its root. This is where the Ayurvedic approach is different.
The Maharishi Approach to Allergies—All Natural Remedies
The most effective long-term approach to allergy, according to Maharishi Ayurveda, is to boost the body's own immune system with herbal allergy remedies. In the spring, as the weather becomes warmer, the impurities inside the body begin to melt. These toxins block the body's channels, making it difficult for nutrients to reach the cells. The result is that the immune system becomes overwhelmed. The pollen in the air, released from the blooming spring time flowers, increases the level of environmental allergens. The combination of the two is the reason that allergic episodes are most common in the spring.
The digestive impurities in the body are known as Ama. When these begin to melt, they mix with Shleshaka Kapha, a Kapha sub-dosha. Shleshaka Kapha is responsible for preserving moisture in the upper respiratory tract. The mixture of the two results in shleshma, a thick, sticky toxin that fills the sinus cavities and respiratory tract. This creates a fertile breeding ground for bacteria and infection inside the whole respiratory system. Consequently, many allergies lead to secondary sinus and respiratory infections.
Reducing the symptoms of allergies is not enough, therefore, to tackle the problem. A good place to start is with the Aller Defense herbal formulation from Maharishi Ayurveda, which is suitable for fighting all types of allergies. This should be taken twice a day to remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, nourish and purify the liver and boost immunity.
Resist Allergies with Super-Strength Spices
Another important factor in fighting allergies is diet. According to Ayurvedic medicine, a diet rich in spices with allergy-fighting powers can greatly reduce susceptibility to plant-related allergic reactions. Turmeric, for example, contains curcumin, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties. This so-called "wonder spice" also improves digestion and balances bile flow. Cumin, coriander, red pepper and sage are other allergy-fighting spices. A simple way to add these spices to your diet on a regular basis is to sauté them in ghee and add them to vegetables.
Following a Kapha-Pitta diet is important to increase the body's defence system against allergy attacks. During an attack, various chemicals are released by the immune system. Pitta governs the body's chemical functions, so it is essential to pacify Pitta. This can be done by drinking Pitta Tea or adding Pitta Churna (seasoning) to your food. It is equally important to pacify Kapha, to avoid sluggish digestion. A natural allergy remedy that pacifies Kapha is Kapha Tea, a spicy, stimulating tea that awakens the body and mind. Made from a 100% herbal formulation, it contains cloves to enhance circulation and digestion, black pepper to cleanse and stimulate the appetite, and cardamom to balance Kapha in the stomach and lungs.
Our Herbal Nasal Oil and Sniffle Free Tea can also help provide natural allergy relief by increasing the body's resistance to dust, smoke, pollen and dry air. Herbal Nasal Oil soothes the sinuses, improves the health of the upper respiratory tract and improves mental clarity. Sniffle Free Tea restores respiratory balance and maintains fluid balance throughout the whole body. It is made from many carefully selected herbs and spices, including liquorice, cardamom, peppermint, spearmint, ginger and turmeric. When spring comes around again, why not take a different approach to your allergies? Following Ayurvedic practices and trying some of these remedies could put an end to those unpleasant symptoms for good, and you will never dread the signs of flowers blooming again.