You are unique… Your body structure, your mental and emotional makeup, likes and dislikes and even illness are all expressions of your unique nature or mind-body type.
Learning about yourself, family and friends through this 3000 year old plus system of mind-body profiling is both fascinating and useful.
In the All About Me programme we not only help you learn about your natural characteristics and what this means for you, but we take it one step further …
We help you to identify your mind-body type of imbalance. Knowing what you need to focus on now to restore balance is crucial for restoring and maintaining health and well-being. As you restore balance then your natural tendencies spontaneously emerge.
Your programme is delivered via email once a week. It will include personal insights and recommendations to help keep you in balance and to support your growing understanding of your unique needs.
Topics include:
1. I am unique – Mind-Body Type Assessment
2. Find out your current Body Type of Imbalance and what it means for you...
3. Your well-being coat hanger – the best daily routine for you.
4. My best foods
5. The hero and villian of well-being
and more...
