A Special Oriental Herb
Date Posted:13 July 2012

Would you like more mind power? This week we focus on a very special herb that is perhaps the most important rejuvenative herb in Ayurveda that has amazing potential for enhancing your mind power no matter your age:
Also known as Thyme-leaved gratiola
Effects Bitter, Cooling, Sweet
- Inhibits Vata and calms the nerves
- Rejuvenative for Pitta
- Helps reduce excessive Kapha
Brahmi is the herbal choice for helping to revitalize the nerves and the brain cells, supporting intelligence, longevity, memory and decreasing senility and aging. In addition Brahmi helps to strengthen the immune system as it cleanses and feeds the immune system while strengthening the adrenals too.
A powerful blood cleanser Brahmi is also used for chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and is useful in the treatment of intermittent or periodic fevers, like malaria.
Food for Yogis
Yogis in the Himalayas also use Brahmi to support clarity of meditation as it helps to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
- Supports memory and mental clarity by aiding coordination between neurons
- Soothes the brain, helping the body to cope with stressful situations
- Calms the mind and promotes relaxation
- Supports the intellect, consciousness and longevity
To learn more about Brahmi select here
Combination Herbals containing Brahmi
Increasing mind power has many benefits. When herbs are combined in correct proportions in the correct manner their effects can be potentised. Maharishi Ayurveda draws upon this understanding to combine Brahmi with other herbs in the following products:
- Stress Free Mind - Supports resistance to daily mental stress and fatigue
- Traquilititea - Helps calm mind and emotions so that you remain unruffled and yet decisive
- Slumber Time Tea - Helps disengage the mind from the senses to fall asleep easily and wake up refreshed and alert
- Intelligence Plus - Supports your ability to learn, at school or on the job. Supports mental focus and attention span
We have had many parents and students comment on how concentration, retention and recall have been enhanced when taking products containing Brahmi. The benefits of taking Brahmi - single herb or as part of a formulation speak for themselves and if you too have a story to share, we would love to hear it. Email it to us or place it on our facebook page.
The Get Balance Team.
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