Spring has sprung
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:27 August 2018

Have you woken up recently feeling drugged, heavy, somehow out of sorts and just not your usual energetic self?
Adele , a long term client reached out to me recently beause she had started to feel out of sorts. Having followed the Ayurvedic principles in her life for a number of years she is finely tuned to feeling great. Feeling less than great is no longer okay for her. She has learnt by experience that it is in the nature of our mind and body to feel finely balanced, energetic and full of life, happy and at peace.
It is one of the joys of my life to help people gain this deep insight and experience of how life, health and wellbeing can be.
I explained to Adele that we had just transitioned into the gap between seasons and her body was doing what it is designed to do… cleansing. That this seasonal cleanse from winter to spring is the most important time of the year to do a seasonal cleanse. Like nature it is time for a spring cleanse!
Immediately it made sense to her and she queried what herbs to take and what dietary choice to follow to address her needs in order to feel comfortable again.
Adele knows from experience that she can feel comfortable even when detoxing if she gets the right balance of food, drink, herbs , sleep, exericise and meditation.
Key choices during spring cleanse time is to favour warm foods, freshly cooked, spiced with ginger, cumin, mustard seed, tumeric with a little rock salt and cracked pepper.
Your digestive power may be variable at this time. Aim to have a light breakfast of cooked fruit with your heaviest meal of the day at lunchtime. Food is most easily digested at lunchtime when the digestive power, like the sun, is at its highest. Take a light evening meal by 6.30pm. It is important to avoid meat, cheese and eggs at breakfast or after 2pm. If comfortable it’s good to have a vegetarian diet for 2-3 weeks over this transition period.
As impurities are ‘digested’ and flushed out of the body, sipping hot water, kapha tea or water boiled with ginger root for 10-20 minutes is essential through the day. Aim to sip your desired drink every 15-30 minutes from waking up until 8pm. This really makes a difference.
More and more research is confirming the importance of early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise! So aim to be in bed by 9.45pm with light out by 10.00pm for a rejuvenating sleep.
The body works best when it has the opportunity to be active most days. This also greatly aids the cleansing process. So aim to have a walk for 30 minutes or more most days. If you are used to more intense exercise, then continue at a 75% level according to your comfort level.
Take Elim Tox 2 tablets prior breakfast for normal appeite or 2 tablets of Elim Tox O after breakfast if you have a strong appetite; along with 1-2 tablets of Congest Assist prior breakfast.
Prior lunch take 2 tablets of Liver Care.
After lunch take ½ tsp of Manjistha Powder in ½ cup of Kapha Tea or hot water.
Prior evening meal take 2 tablets of Rejuvenation for Ladies or Rejuvenation for Men. Also take 1 tablet of Digest Tone.
After dinner take take ½ tsp of Manjistha Powder in ½ cup of Kapha Tea or hot water.
Bedtime take 1-2 tablets of Digest Tone.
Allowing the mind and body to experience a deep state of rest allows the mind and body to re-set. It greatly helps the immune system and calms the nervous system helping to reduce the negative impact of stress upon your system. So, regular meditation twice a day prior breakfast and evening meals is recommended. My preference is Transcendental Meditation.
Wishing you the bliss of an enjoyable and rejuvenating Spring cleanse.
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: lindasinden@orbislife.co.nz Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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