SALE - Bowel Health
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:21 September 2020

Having a regular daily elimination that is well formed and easy to pass is considered an important sign of good health in Ayurveda. Lack of, indicates an imbalance that is considered very important to put right!
Why are regular and well formed bowel motions important?
A conversation about one’s bowel patterns is much like “getting under the hood” and taking a closer look at the health of your internal engine! When too much dryness or roughness accumulates causing an imbalance of Vata dosha, the pipes can become blocked causing backflow, gas and discomfort. Or if too much heat or sharpness accumulates causing an imbalance of Pitta dosha, food can move too quickly through the intestine becoming “burnt”, resulting in poorly formed, loose and or hot stool.
The flow on effect of these imbalances Ayurveda warns is the build up of impurities from inadequate digestion and metabolism causing various tissue layers in your body to be undernourished and formed incorrectly, precursors to more serious disease states.
To restore balance the need is to
- Cleanse stored impurities in the tissues, especially intestine and colon.
- Support digestion
- Nourish tissues for Vata and Cool down for Pitta
See what is recommended for you below...
Vata Imbalance
- Cleanse stored impurities in the tissues, especially intestine and colon by taking 2-4 tablets of Digest Tone 1 hour before bed.
- Support digestion by taking 1-2 tablets of Digest Plus 15-30 minutes after breakfast and evening meals.
- Nourish tissues by taking FluCol Defence 2 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and evening meals. This is also particularly helpful for supporting respiratory strength and immunity at this time.
Pitta Imbalance
- Cleanse stored impurities in the tissues, especially intestine and colon by taking 1 tablet of Digest Tone 1 hour before bed.
- Support digestion by taking 1-2 tablets of Aci Balance 15-30 minutes after breakfast and evening meals.
- Cool and nourish your tissues by taking 1 dessertspoon of Pitta Rasayana 30 minutes before breakfast and evening meals. This is a particularly soothing and uplifting herbal when Pitta imbalance has heated the blood which can give rise to irritability or impatience.
Tip for Retraining Bowel
When you wake, drink a glass of room temperature water before getting out of bed. Taking this before getting out of bed helps to trigger a downward movement in the intestines to encourages a bowel motion.
Then go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for 5-10 minutes to encourage bowel motion as first thing is the ideal time. Be easy, gently have your attention on the lower stomach region. Sit there for 5-10 minutes without straining or forcing as this helps to restore your body’s desire to eliminate.
If possible a 15-30 minute walk first thing is also very helpful..
Lifestyle Tips
- Be sure to stop and eat a substantial meal at lunchtime.
- Establish a regular lunch time between 12 - 1 pm if possible.
- Eat a light and tasty evening meal by 6-7pm. Include a good range of vegetables that you enjoy in your evening meal.
- Eat 2-3 pieces of sweet juicy fruit each day.
- Drink PItta tea 2-3 cups a day or Vata tea 4 cups a day.
Be aware of the following causes of imbalance that can give rise to problems with elimination:
- Irregular daily routine, irregular meal times, late nights and irregular sleep patterns; suppressing urination or bowel movement, sitting in the same position for a long time (eg sedentary work or long travel) lack of exercise, wrong food (eating unwholesome, processed food and leftovers) working too hard during menstrual cycle, mental tension and worries (what you eat and what eats you).
- Avoid the causes above as you can.
Wishing you the bliss of balance today and always.
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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