Moringa Oleifera - “Miracle of the Plant World”
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted:23 October 2017

The Moringa Tree grows quickly and easily in tropical or subtropical climates. It is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. It is now widely cultivated in Africa, parts of Asia, Central and South America. It is known as the miracle plant as the leaves, flowers, pods and seeds are highly nutritious and provide a whole range of health benefits.
Moringa also known as the drumstick tree, has long slender triangular seed-pods.
It is a rich vegetable source of iron, vitamin A, B and C, potassium, amino acids and other minerals. The leaves are also rich in protein. Moringa has been a traditional source of food and nutrients for villagers within India for hundreds of years. Research over the last 25 years is beginning to explain its favoured position as a traditional family herbal for hundreds of years.
Amazing… Power Food
Gram for gram Moringa:
- Has 3 times the potassium found within a banana,
- Has 4 times the vitamin A found in a carrot
- Has 7 times the vitamin C found in an orange
- Is very rich in minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, phytochemicals, vegetable proteins, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and carbohydrates.
Traditional Use
Traditionally Moringa’s is used to help maintain a healthy sugar balance, reduce inflammation, anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti-fungal, lower cholesterol, improve liver function, help to balance blood pressure, reduce water retention and support the thyroid. It is commonly used within villages when impurities have gone deep into the body and accumulated at the level of the bone.
Ayurveda explains that when one takes Moringa it acts like an arrow to pull out impurities from the bones that are involved with sciatica, pain, inflammation, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Moringa is also safely taken during pregnancy to support nutrition and healthy milk production.
It is best to take Moringa Organic 1 tablet with warm water 15-30 minutes after breakfast and evening meals for 1 week. Then you can increase up to 2 tablets twice a day.
Wishing you the bliss of balance!
Linda Sinden and the Get Balance Team