Hormonal balance for the woman in your life
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:23 April 2019

As the colder weather settles in hormonal imbalance can become exacerbated for both women and men. This is due to the increase of Vata dosha that occurs during autumn and winter.
Ayurveda explains there are 5 great elements that form the basis of all creation: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These five elements combine to create three doshas or organising principles of nature called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata dosha is often called king of the doshas as it governs our whole physiology. Without Vata, Pitta and Kapha cannot move, or said another way, where Vata goes, Pitta and Kapha follow! Classically, Vata is said to be responsible for 60% of imbalance or diseases, Pitta 20% and Kapha 20%. This shows the profound effect of Vata and why it is so important to keep Vata and its sub-doshas balanced.
Tell me more about Vata Dosha
Vata dosha is composed of air and space and is responsible for movement, action, transportation, inspiration and enthusiasm. Vata guides our breathing, blood circulation, passing of food through the digestive tract and the sending and receiving of nerve impulses to and from the brain.
What about Apana Vata?
Vata has five sub areas and the sub dosha that impacts hormonal balance mostly is Apana Vata. Apana governs the area below the navel, including the pelvic cavity, reproductive organs, uterus, urinary tract, bladder, peristalsis, elimination and urination. Apana regulates elimination of gases and wastes, urination, sexual fluids, menstruation, conception and giving birth. It is often the source of imbalance in the other two doshas. When the downward flow of Vata is obstructed then a number of imbalances can arise, such as occasional constipation or diarrhea, overactive bladder, back pain, menstrual and hormonal issues. Imbalance of Apana Vata can contribute to:
- Irregular Menstrual Cycles
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Endometriosis
- Infertility
- Postnatal Illness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood Swings
- Sleeplessness
- Hot Flushes
- Fluid Retention
- Low Libido
- Vaginal Dryness
- Weight Gain
- Acne
- Migraines
- Abdominal Bloating
- “Foggy” Thinking
- Memory Loss
- PCOS – Poly-Cycstic Ovary Syndrome
What causes Vata dosha to become imbalanced?
The typical patterns that cause Vata imbalance are
- Being stressed and responding with fear, worry and anxiety
- Feeling exhausted from a period of overdoing it
- Chain smoking or suffering from alcohol or drug addiction
- Sudden changes in your life or the change of seasons
- A diet that includes a lot of cold, dry, raw foods
- Eating a lot of bitter, spicy or astringent foods (salads, beans, raw green leafy vegetables)
- Habitually skipping meals or dieting
- Sleeping poorly for more than a few days
- Travel, especially long distance travel and air travel
- Cold, dry and windy weather - autumn and winter
Apana Vata is particularly imbalanced by a buildup of impurities or ama from incomplete digestion in the lower digestive tract, overeating, eating cold food and drink, leftovers, canned, packaged or processed foods and being too active during the time of menstruation.
Let’s keep it simple with a 5 Step Action Plan
- Ensure you get adequate sleep and if possible 7.5 - 8 hours of undisturbed sleep most nights. Be in bed by 9.45pm and rise at a regular time in the morning.
- Keep warm, eat at regular intervals and favour warm food and drinks: Vata balancing food list. Avoid eating late at night as your body will feel worse in the morning. A drink of warm milk with cardamom, ginger, nutmeg and a little raw sugar is tasty and helpful in the evening or before bed.
- Calm and nourish your nervous system and Vata Apana with the following herbals:
- Herbal Digest helps digestion by reducing gas and bloating, improving absorption, eliminating the build-up of wastes and impurities, balancing acid and enzyme production and enhancing the sense of taste for full enjoyment and optimal digestive function. Take 1-2 tablets prior main meals.
- Take Rejuvenation for Ladies 1-2 tablets prior breakfast and evening meals.
- Bedtime take 2 tablets of Stress Relief which contains Ashwagandha (a tonic for Vata Dosha).
- Drink Vata Tea Organic during the day and sprinkle Vata Churna Organic over lunch and evening meals to ensure Vata is balanced through the sense of taste.
- Adopt a daily de-stress routine. Practising Transcendental Meditation is a good way to de-stress quickly and deeply. Learn more here>
- Be happy! Do what makes you happy or follow your bliss! Isn’t that a lovely recommendation to follow for optimising your well-being?
Wishing you the bliss of balance!
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: lindasinden@orbislife.co.nz Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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