Ease with your monthly cycle
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:18 February 2019

Has your monthly cycle changed? Do you wonder if you are experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)? Do you wonder if Maharishi Ayurveda can help you?
- Have your symptoms been present every month for at least the last three months?
- Are your symptoms felt from day 14 onwards?
- Are your symptoms absent after menstruation for a minimum of 7 days?
If you say yes to all three questions then you meet the definition for PMS.
Symptoms of PMS include
- Tension: This can be in the form of depression, tiredness or irritability.
- Water retention: Bloating, heaviness, weight gain (2-4 Kg), breast soreness and swelling, generalized rheumatic pain, abdominal bloating and heaviness.
- Headaches: Sinus or vacuum headache, tension headache and migraines.
- Recurrent problems: Premenstrual epilepsy, rhinitis or hay fever, premenstrual asthma, loss of sense of smell, dizziness and vertigo, cystitis and urethritis, varicose veins, boils, sties, acne, conjunctivitis and glaucoma.
- Food cravings and alcohol binges.
- Pain (congestive dysmenorrhea): Starts up to 14 days before period as heavy continuous lower abdominal pain increasing in severity on the first day of menstruation then gradually ceases.
- Postpartum (after delivery) depression following a symptom-free pregnancy.
Ayurvedic Perspective on PMS
An easy monthly menstruation is not only possible, but also natural. When menstrual ease is lacking we look to see which dosha is causing your symptoms of discomfort. Even though you may be Vata dominant by nature, it is possible that an imbalance in Vata, Pitta or Kapha may be underlying your symptoms. The good news is that Ayurveda explains that once the underlying dosha that is imbalanced is restored to balance, your body can once again restore a healthy natural cycle.
So let’s see which of the doshas may be behind your symptoms:
- Vata type of PMS gives rise to symptoms of low backache, abdominal pain, distention, anxiety, fear, insomnia, mood swings, headache and interrupted flow as the menstrual flow begins.
- Pitta type of PMS gives rise to symptoms of breast tenderness, urethritis, hives, hot flushes, irritability, anger, poor complexion and pain during flow. Flow may be profuse.
- Kapha type of PMS gives rise to symptoms of water retention where the breasts become enlarged and tender, depression or low mood, heaviness, drowsiness with the desire to have coffee, and lethargy as the flow begins.
What can I do?
First, understand that by addressing the underlying doshic imbalance, a myriad of symptoms can be addressed. Second, follow the dietary guidelines for the dosha that is out of balance.
- Favour Vata balancing foods for Vata symptoms of imbalance
- Favour Pitta balancing foods for Pitta symptoms of imbalance
- Favour Kapha balancing foods for Kapha symptoms of imbalance
Third, ensure you have a regular routine of life. Go to bed by 10 PM, rise by 6 AM, have an early morning walk, meditate to reduce the impact of stress, eat at regular intervals through the day with main quantity of food at lunch time and a light, warm evening meal by 6.30 PM.
Lastly, consider taking the following herbals and behavioural medicines to support balance.
Vata PMS
- Take 2 tablets of Rejuvenation for Ladies along with 2 tablets of Nervous System Support 30 minutes prior breakfast and evening meals.
- Take 2 tablets of Triphala Guggul after meals 3 times a day.
- Drink Smooth Cycle Tea from Day 14 until the end of the menstrual flow.
- If you have a tendency for constipation also take 2 tablets of Digest Tone prior bed with a little warm water.
- For the week prior your flow take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice with a pinch of black pepper 3 times a day before meals.
- Eat 10 cherries a day on an empty stomach for a week before the onset of flow.
- Place 5 drops of warm ghee (clarified butter) into each nostril daily. This helps stimulate natural hormones and balance the system.
- For cramps and abdominal bloating warm up 3 tablespoons of castor oil, spread it equally onto a handkerchief or face cloth. Then place the cloth on the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle on top. An electric heating pad is not recommended.
- Be sure to have a minimum of 30 minutes walking 5 days or more a week.
Pitta PMS
- Take Gyneco Support 2 tablets and Nervous System Support 2 tablets 30 minutes prior to breakfast, lunch and evening meals.
- After meals take Stress Free Emotions 2 tablets
- Drink Smooth Cycle Tea from Day 14 until the end of the menstrual flow.
- For the week prior your flow take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice with a pinch of ground cumin 3 times a day before meals.
- Eat 10 cherries a day on an empty stomach for a week before the onset of flow.
- Place 5 drops of warm ghee (clarified butter) into each nostril each daily. This helps stimulate natural hormones and balance the system.
- For cramps and abdominal bloating warm up 3 tablespoons of castor oil, spread it equally onto a handkerchief or face cloth. Then place the cloth on the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle on top. An electric heating pad is not recommended.
- Be sure to have a minimum of 30 minutes walking 5 days or more a week.
Kapha PMS
- Take Congest Assist 1 tablet and Rejuvenation for Ladies 1 tablet prior breakfast, lunch and evening meals.
- Take 2 tablets of Triphala Guggul and ½ tsp of Manjistha Powder in 1/3rd cup of Kapha Tea after meals 3 times a day.
- Drink Smooth Cycle Tea from Day 14 until the end of the menstrual flow.
- For the week prior your flow take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice with a pinch of Agni Balance 3 times a day before meals.
- Eat 10 cherries a day on an empty stomach for a week before the onset of flow.
- Place 5 drops of warm ghee (clarified butter) up each nostril each day. This helps stimulate natural hormones and balance the system.
- For cramps and abdominal bloating warm up 3 tablespoons of castor oil, spread it equally onto a handkerchief or face cloth. Then place the cloth on the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle on top. An electric heating pad is not recommended.
- Be sure to have a minimum of 30 minutes walking 5 days or more a week.
If you find your symptoms are slow to respond or you are not sure which dosha is out of balance most, then consider a consultation with one of our Ayurvedic Experts
Wishing you the bliss of balance.
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: lindasinden@orbislife.co.nz Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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