Be Worry Free & Fatigue Free
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:4 March 2021

Do you sometimes feel wired, tossed around emotionally and wonder why you feel so tired? If this is an occasional experience or daily occurrence for you, a loved one or friend, then Gerard Tessier’s experience provides hope and a possible way through...
Gèrard’s Story
A gentle and sensitive soul, Gèrard felt tossed and turned like tumbleweed by his emotions. He said, "I felt very rootless and blown about by my emotions. As I grew older, the wind got stronger. Sometimes there wasn't much wind, but other times very windy."
Gèrard remembers the exact date and time he began taking the Worry Free formula. He says the results were immediate and dramatic — within 15 minutes, 40 years of feeling rootless had disappeared and he began to feel like a "big huge oak tree, unshakable."
Worry Free
Take 1 tablet twice daily with water after meals.
The powerful combination of premium-grade, full potency herbs and minerals in Worry Free helps enhance the body’s innate intelligence increasing vitality, inner strength and stability. Worry Free helps to:
- Calm the mind and emotions and promote deeper sleep
- Increase resistance to stress and provides natural support for everyday tensions
- Strengthen the brain’s ability to cope with anxiety-producing, stress-related situations and reduces irritability
- Enhance brain nutrition, clarity of mind, adaptability, ability to focus and brain regeneration
- Vata, Pitta and Kapha balancing
Shop ‘Worry Free’ - 10% off
How Gerard Overcame Fatigue
Gèrard’s problems with fatigue began while working in a lumber camp in northern Ontario. After nine months, Gèrard left the lumber camp to train as a locksmith, eventually moving to Toronto. He says he never felt rested over the weekends and would return to his job on Monday mornings as exhausted and dispirited as he'd felt on the previous Friday afternoons.
"I had told a friend of mine it would probably take me three to four lifetimes just to get rid of this fatigue. I started Fatigue Free in December 1997, and six months later the fatigue was all gone, all... three to four lifetimes... in six months. I count that year as the first year of my life."
Fatigue Free
Take 1-2 tablets 30 minutes after meals morning and evening for 3-6 months.
Restore and boost energy naturally with Fatigue Free. The 19 herbs and minerals in Fatigue Free assists the natural flow of mental and physical energy by supporting the natural cleansing of the pathways that bring nourishment to every cell, organ and tissue layer. This subtle yet powerful formula:
- Promotes the natural growth of energetic new cells
- Boosts energy naturally to increase overall vitality, wellbeing, creativity and mental alertness
- Contains a powerful energy tonic (dashmula), including heart-leaf sida
- Provides a synergistic blend of ashwagandha & zinc
- Is vata & kapha balancing
Shop ‘Fatigue Free’’ - 10% off
Desire & Ability to Work
Gèrard said his desire and ability to work greatly increased when he started taking the Amrit Duo daily. Consider adding the Amrit Duo to Worry Free and Fatigue Free to enhance vitality, wellbeing and speed of recovery. Make the most of the Longevity Club 15% discount with a 3 months supply of the Amrit Duo.
Shop ‘Amrit Duo’ 3 months’ - 15% off
Personally I was touched when Gèrard said he counted the year in which he got relief to be the first year of his life. Wishing you relief from worry and fatigue, be it occasional or longstanding and the ‘Bliss of Life’ that naturally follows.
Linda Sinden and the Get Balance Team
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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