Autumn, tis upon us…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted:6 March 2017

Now the leaves are turning, nature is pushing us towards a gentle seasonal change detox. It amazes and humbles me when I stop to think how our body knows exactly what to do and when to do it. We are truly in step with nature and when we follow her prompts can stay in top form.
If you want to
- stay fully on top of your game
- with crystal clarity
- great energy and
- a body that stays the distance… then it is time to reboot your system with a gentle Autumn cleanse
Why cleanse?
At this time of the year the summer heat that has accumulated over the past months is released into the blood stream to be cleansed out of your body. Increased heat in the blood increases blood toxicity, irritates skin conditions and can even cause you to feel less patient, more scratchy, irritable or angry.
Imbalances are linked to heart disease, emotional upset, indecisiveness and lacking the desire to face challenges and make important decisions - and also workaholism.
Cleaning out the excess heat from your body at this time also helps to reduce excess acidity in your stomach, uclers and irregular digestion. When the heat travels upwards it can overheat the eyes causing bloodshot eyes, vision and eye problems. As Pitta also looks after the health of your skin a cleanse now also helps your body reduce rashes, acne, boils and skin disorders of all kinds.
What does a cleanse do?
A cleanse gives your body a chance to clean out the build-up of impurities from the previous season. This gives your body’s self repair mechanisms a chance to get into action. Cells repair more effectively, digestive organs get some breathing space and can increase their capacity and efficiency and immunity is strengthened. You feel good and people often notice and comment that you look healthy and well. They may even ask … what are you doing? You look great!
What to do?
By nature are you quick, changeable and like variety? Are you naturally slight of build? Select here to see the best cleanse routine for you
By nature are you goal oriented and like a challenge? Are you naturally medium build? Select here to see the best cleanse routine for you
By nature are you relaxed, laid back and stable by nature? Are you naturally solid and strong in build? Select here to see the best cleanse routine for you
Wishing you the bliss of seasonal balance so you will enjoy a happy, healthy autumn this year!
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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